
ICS Mourns Passing of Punch Woods

  • Anne Thwaits
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Interfaith Community Services (ICS) mourns the passing of Punch Woods, who died last week following a horseback riding accident at the age of 82. Punch was instrumental in the formative days of the ICS Food Pantry. While Executive Director of the Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona he signed the original agreement for ICS to become a Food Pantry.

Back then, ICS’s pantry was just a “room”.  He continued to support ICS’s growth.  Part of that growth included our first Expansion project, which provided ICS an additional storage area for food.  This allowed ICS to serve more people in our food bank. He knew the need was great in our community, and knew that ICS was in a good place to support our community.

Former ICS CEO Bonnie Kampa shared, “Punch always appreciated ICS’s unique partnership with the faith communities as well as the focus on volunteers working directly with people we all served”.

He had a tremendous impact on the community and his loss will be greatly felt. Punch will be missed by ICS and the entire Tucson community.

Read more in the Arizona Daily Star