Interfaith Community Services Receives End of Life Grant
INTERFAITH COMMUNITY SERVICES (ICS) is grateful to the Community Foundation of Southern Arizona and The David and Lura Lovell Foundation for the recent grant in support of our End-of-Life Programs.
ICS is pleased to announce the continuation of our work as an integral part of the End of Life Care Partnership in Arizona. The Community Foundation for Southern Arizona (CFSA) and the David and Lura Lovell Foundation has awarded more than $3.6 million dollars to fund 12 nonprofit organizations over the next 3 years in this important work. ICS will be working with close to $400,000 to lead the following efforts:
The Wholistic End of Life Program at ICS has three priorities. To spearhead education on advance care planning throughout the community by offering free workshops and one-on-one coaching for people who are preparing their advance directives. To incorporate the spiritual dimension of advance care planning into programming and assist southern Arizona faith communities in establishing or refining their own programs for supporting people making end-of-life plans. And to train staff members and volunteers from ICS and other agencies to present the workshops to coach individuals or couples striving to complete their directives.
Funding provided for the period July 1, 2020, through June 30, 2023, will enable ICS to strengthen its offerings in training and coaching and develop deeper relationships with faith communities.
The Arizona End of Life Care Partnership (EOLCP) is a nationally recognized coalition of community, corporate, and healthcare entities working together to raise awareness around advanced illness and care, especially in vulnerable populations and underserved communities. Gathering diverse community organizations and voices around the same table, the EOLCP is gaining notoriety as one of the most successful partnerships in this area of work in the country.
ICS will continue to work closely with local faith communities, highlighting the role of religion, spirituality and community in the conversation about care towards the end of life. Building and strengthening relationships with institutions of faith in vulnerable areas of our community, we hope to further engage leaders of faith in these important conversations.