
Peanut Butter Party is a Smashing Success

  • Rikki Mioduski
  • No Comments


We’re flipping our lids over the huge amount of peanut butter donated during ICS’ Peanut Butter Party food drive. ICS set a goal to collect 10,000 jars in July, and our generous faith community partners and supporters blew past that number and kept on going. The month-long event brought in more than 14,000 jars. These donations—a 5-month supply—will free up about $20,000 in Food Bank funds to purchase other food essentials for thousands of Tucson families.

This support from the community comes at a time when it is gravely needed. Record-high inflation has impacted families around the country, making it impossible for them to stretch their food budgets far enough. Food banks nationwide are ramping up services to keep up with growing demand. ICS food banks have seen a 50% increase in demand over this time last year.

ICS’ community partners and supporters came through for those in need during the Peanut Butter Party. In all of the generosity, there are a few standouts:

  • Mark’s United Methodist Church, Tucson won the award for most jars donated: 2,007 jars!
  • Mountain Shadows Presbyterian Church donated the most per capita. Their 50 members donated 1,005 jars. That’s 20 jars per member!
  • The Totally Nuts Award goes to the one and only Peanut Butter Man from Mountain Shadows Presbyterian Church, Stevie Cupo! PB Man donned a costume and threw himself into his work to spread smiles everywhere he went.

ICS’ next community food drive will be Stuff the Truck, held in conjunction with 9/11 Day of Service. On September 10 and 11, the Mobile Food Bank truck will visit sites around the city to collect donated food.