On a recent blistering Saturday, Interfaith Community Services (ICS) celebrated the 2021 graduating cohort of Single Mom Scholars at our new midtown offices located on the campus of Rincon Congregational…
The Stronger Families Project program at Arizona Youth Partnership is an evidence based program with a goal of building a positive relationship among family members, especially between parents and their…
INTERFAITH COMMUNITY SERVICES (ICS) is grateful to the Community Foundation of Southern Arizona and The David and Lura Lovell Foundation for the recent grant in support of our End-of-Life Programs….
Interfaith Community Services (ICS) mourns the passing of Punch Woods, who died last week following a horseback riding accident at the age of 82. Punch was instrumental in the formative…
Interfaith Community Services mourns the recent passing of Dorothy Vanek – who has been a faithful, long-time supporter and champion for ICS. Below is remembrance from CEO, Tom McKinney. Dorothy…
Interfaith Community Services is monitoring the current COVID-19 viral threat and we are taking appropriate protective actions for volunteers, recipients and staff. We are following recommendations by the Arizona Department…
In this season of giving we want to take a moment to thank you for all you have done for Interfaith Community Services over the last 35 years. Every day...