Empty Bowls
The following artists will create more than 1,000 beautiful handmade bowls for Empty Bowls 2025. Special thanks to Mary Swallow and Linda DeBoer who coordinated the effort of soliciting and collecting this bounty of bowls. Thank you to our clay sponsor Marjon Ceramics Inc.
Lew Sorensen Center: Dee Frame-Hourigan
Tucson Clay Co-Op: Maxine Krasnow
Random AZ Pots: Mary Swallow, Jerry Turner
Melissa Henshaw Ceramics: Melissa Henshaw
The Tucson Jewish Community Center: SACA
Loma Prieta Pottery: Terry Parker
Tucson Clay Art Center: Rebecca Pincus
Saddlebrook Ranch Roundup: Patti Jo Lewis
Tucson Parks and Recreation: Randolph: David Irving, Stuart Goldberg, Kyoko Thomas, Jerry Turner, Susan Grunebaum, Vickee Lopez, Tamaki Layman, Michael McCrory, Laura Stevens, Colleen Hench, Paloma Jaqueline, Chelsi White, Joy Hughes, Donna Lee Forbes, Meaghan Torvund, Ruth Reiman, Ale Mandel, Shawn Hellman
Tucson Parks and Recreation: Udall: Tahamara Brown, Jillian Casey, Wilma Renken, Adora-Marie Higgins, Cay Vest, Jerry Turner, Tracy Smith, Mary Lou Fragomeni-Nuttall, Katie Moyer, Laurie MacManus, Jacquie Brailey, Marilyn Tome, Liz Morgan, Hank Delago, Veta Carney, Elle Smith, Patty Kent, Trudy Walsh, Anne Neuenschwander
Carol Teal – Dragon Fire Pottery
Elizebeth Garber
Joni Pervarnik – El Fuego Pottery
Judy Gans – Cold Goose Pottery
Julie Szerina Stein – The Aesthetic Sense
Laurie Dunham
Linda DeBoer – Lindadeboerclay.com
Lori Kidler
Robin Nozick
Suzanne Poirier