Who Is Invited? You! Our community and faith community partners.
What is a Peanut Butter Party? Throughout July, Interfaith Community Services has set the goal of collecting 10,000 jars of (14-16 oz) Peanut Butter!
When? The entire month of July! We will accept donations from Friday, July 1 to Monday, August 1st. Donations will be accepted through August 5th.
Why? To help feed families during the school break, ICS gives out about 2,000 jars of PB each month.
How do we get the Peanut Butter to ICS? The preferred method is to drop off the PB at either the Northwest Food Bank (2820 W. Ina Rd) or the Eastside Food Bank (8701 E. Old Spanish Trail) Monday-Friday from 8am-11am.
If possible, please email Becky Lococo (blococo@icstucson.org) with drop off date and time. If this window does not work for you, please contact Becky to set up a time. Please count your jars before they are delivered and fill out the applicable form.
Share your collection on Social Media and tag ICS #ICSpbparty
Visit here for more info: Peanut Butter Party Food Drive – Interfaith Community Services | Tucson, Arizona (icstucson.org)