
ICS Help at Home

ICS Help at Home (formerly Home Sweet Home)

This program offers services that help older and disabled adults live independently in their own homes, without the need for institutional care.

Wellness Checks

Brief reassurance or wake-up calls in the morning Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. – 10 a.m. throughout the year. Calls are made by a team of TeleCare volunteers (a different volunteer calls each day) willing to check on the recipients’ welfare, safety and offer a bit of socialization.

Friendly Phoning

Volunteer(s) call participants once a week for 30 minutes to increase socialization.

Friendly Visiting

Volunteer(s) visit participants once a week to chat, watch television or play games. There are no hands-on activities. Volunteer(s) do not do housework or other chores.

Business Help

Volunteers help recipients organize and manage basic business tasks and personal correspondence. They may sort and read mail, assist with paying bills, balance a checkbook, organize personal papers or transcribe letters.

Minor Home Repair and Light Yard Work

Volunteer(s) perform minor repairs or minimal yard work. Labor is free; participants pay only for materials. Yard work includes cleaning weeds and some debris. No weed spraying, tree trimming or moving of large debris. (Participants must be low-income for this service).

Register for ICS Help at Home Services

Interested in signing up for these services?

Call (520) 297-6049 to learn more.

Become an ICS Help at Home Volunteer

Interested in volunteering to provide these services?

Contact volunteer@icstucson.org or visit the Become a Volunteer page to learn more.