
Senior Food Boxes

ICS is committed to feeding those in need, and that includes older and disabled food-insecure adults who can’t make it to a food bank. ICS Food Banks and Senior Services work together to deliver food boxes to those who don’t have enough to eat.

Register to Receive a Senior Food Box

Interested in signing up for these services?

Call (520) 297-6049 to learn more.

Volunteer to Deliver Senior Food Boxes

The need is so great that our monthly deliveries have maxed out the available drivers, and the waiting list is growing fast. Please help! Here’s what it takes:

  1. Pick up a pre-mapped route and 3-4 boxes of food from the Northwest Food Bank.
  2. Deliver the boxes to homebound individuals who all live in the same area. The entire trip, including food pickup, should take less than two hours.
  3. Feel good about helping 3-4 older adults continue to live independently at home.

See the full job description for Food Box Route Drivers

To volunteer, contact volunteericstucson.org.