Individual Donors
Anonymous (5)
Karen & Bruce Bittmann
George & Toni Chardukian
City of Tucson Housing and
Community Development
Community Investment
Corp. for National and Community
Federal Emergency Management
System (FEMA)
Mr. Richard & Ms. Wendy Gilman
Katherine & Frank Griffith
Jane Elise Hendricks
Charitable Trust
William Horst
Kathleen Jenkins
Sherwin & Karen Koopmans
Pima Council on Aging
Pima Co. Community
Pima Co. Grants Management
and Innovation
Pima Co. Community and
Workforce Development
Pima Co. Community
Development and
neighborhood Conservation
Pima Co. Community Services—
Outside Agency
Steve & Ruth Pollyea
Regional Transit Authority (RTA)
William & Doris Rubin
Endowment Fund
William & Karen Schumacher
Estate of Nancy Schwarzwalder
Gregg & Kimberly Sciabica
Gayle & Thomas Sette
Thomas & Susan Silverio
John Stuhlmuller Trust
Richard Teugh, In Memory of Alice
Teugh Greenhouse, Teacher
Wendell & Rose Tyson
David & Beth Vonk
Judy Weill
Douglas J. Wylie
Anonymous (17)
Anonymous Donors in memory of
Nathlie Badian
Laura T. Almquist
Dr. Quentin Anderson &
Pamela Henderson
Nancy Atherton
Richard Backus
Lisa Bacus
Jane & Ray Baldwin
John Barney
Susan Basso
Thomas & Alison Betts
Sanford W. Bigelow
Kenn & Kathy Boelte
Robert & Judith Bolt
Timothy & Karen Bondy
Steve Boyer
Nancy Bushroe
Debra & Barry Caldwell
Walter & Lillian Caroll
David & Docia Casillas
Barbara Chadwick
Carl & Jeri Cheatum
Brian & Patty Clymer
Mrs. Carol T. des Cognets
Shirley Coleman
Ryan Conti
Ms. Joyce Coon
James & Charlotte Cordes
Frederic Joseph Dardis
Dennis & Barbara Davidson
Charles Davis
Will & Linda DeBoer
Gilbert Decker
Janet M. DeKeyser
Robert & Sue Delaney
Jose R. Diaz
Ms. Andrea Dillenburg
Arlene M. Douglas
David & Barbara Dresher
Carol A. Duncan
Frank & Sarah Earnest
Mr. Frederick C. Ehorn
James & Janet Elkan
John Engel
Thomas J. & Erika Ennen
Mr. John & Ms. Rebecca Fenn
Andrew & Carol Fiore
David & Linda Fisher
Ms. Heidi Fisher
Stephen Fiske
Patrick & Lynn Ford
William & Nancy Fox
Tina Frey
Wendell & Pauline Gardner
Gabriele Gidion
Carol Goeman
Ms. Audrey H. Goldstein
Bernard Gordon
Suzanne Gross
Dale & Sally Hallberg
Jeffrey & Yvonne Hamstra
Mr. Brian & Ms. Misty Hansen
Patricia Harrison-Monroe
Patricia Havens & Joseph Assenzo
Douglas Hayner
Joanne Healy
Mr. David & Ms. Sharon Heaps
Bob & Anne Hendricks
Gary & Sue Henshaw
Bruce Hinman
Gloria L. Hirsch
Patricia & Dan Hogan
Judith & Michael Holser
David Ahmad & Kris Hornback
Martin & Linda Horowitz
John Phillip & Virginia Houserman
James & Kathleen Howard
Benjamin Jenkins
Tom & Ellen Jenkins
Arline Jeschke
Deborah Johnson
Everett & Anne Johnson
Anonymous (5)
Jean & Lynn Badeau
Robert Batey & Christine Weiler
Debbie Boggs
David Brunk
Susan Comstock & Marc Rolfes
Joe & Arrah Dial
Mr. Ronald Feller
Barbara M. Flori
Bob & JoAnne Hungate
Elaine A. & Edwin H. Jones
Ms. Barbara Kelly
Liesl Love Fund
Philip & Carol Lyons
Family Fund held at the
Community Foundation for
Southern Arizona
Richard & Julianne McLean
Ken & Margaret McNealy
Roberta Miller
Paul & Nancy Montgomery
David & Marlys Nelson
Gerard & Grace Pedata
Dr. Thomas C. Rothe
Bill & Mary Anne Springer
Jane Sterritt
Tucson Pima Collaboration
to End Homelessness—
Continuum of Care
Linda Drake & David Van Wyck
Wildfire (Arizona Community
Action Agency)
Linda Wurzelbache
Bonnie Kampa
Jacqueline Karpen
Steve Kellermeyer
Diane & Rodger Kemp
Steve & Moon Kim
Robert & Patricia Kittrell
Richard & Lois Klein
John & Carol Knapp
Barbara Knight
Dennis & Linda Korger
Frederick & Frances Krause
Steve & Debi Kromer
Robert LaFramenta
Daryl & Betty Lamfers
Darryl & Sarah Landau
Nick & Denise Lapins
Susan & Stan Lau
Thomas & Francy Lee
David & Margaret Likness
Thomas & Marilyn Lindell
Ruby Ludwig
Martha Joanne Lyons
Linda Maholland
Thomas & Brenda Mahoney
Gregory & Cathy Mannel
Mr. Dave & Ms. Norma Martin
James Marvel
Dean Marvin
Mr. Kenneth & Ms. Carol Massanari
Fred & Becky Masterman
Tom McKinney & Dee Dee Connel
Tom & Rose Mary Meyer
Michele Milensky
John Mitchel
Sandra Mitchel
Geraldine Moisant
Carol Monroe
William & Deborah Montgomery
Clayton Moore
Julie & Don Morton
Michael & Martha Moses
Alan Murray & C.J. Amspaugh
Gregory Myers
Nancy Myers
William Nicoletti
Dennis H. Noonan &
Judith L. Peters
Trygve & Leah Noreng
Delores Norton
Steven & Rebecca Nuckolls
Mr. Timothy & Ms. Francene Orrok
George Knecht & Maria Ortiz
Kimberly Oser
Martha & Bill Owen
Romana Parobek
Gwen Parr
Gil & Kathy Parrish
Roger Phelps
Jim & Lora Pirzynski
Nancy Pound
Jon Powell
Martha Prince
John L. Pugh
Diane Radtke
Paul & Pamela Raikunen
Howard Reeve
James & Natalie Riley
Dan & Jan Robertson
Barry & Patti Robinson
Fred Roby
Steven Rowe
Lynn Ryerson
Timothy Schaffner &
Anne Maley-Schaffner
April & Barry Schiller
Randy Schuler
Howard & Yvette Schulz
Gerald Schwartz
Doris K. Seames
Elizabeth Segerstrom
Suzanne Shiff
Shaila & Dave Silverio
Pamela Simoneaux
Mr. Jeffrey & Caitlin Sklar
Nancy K. Smith
Tim & Mary Soliday
Mr. Christopher & Ms. Gail Staring
Jim Stelzer
Robin & James Stout
Jeanne Sturgis
Mark Sublette
Scott & Diana Summerford
Amy Synesael
John Thames
Andrea L. Thresh
Gene & Marylyn Tobey
Robert & Barbara Tomlin
Kay & Scott Turner
Robert & Susan Vos
Frank & Linda Williams
Darrell & Sandra Wotta
John & Carla Yost